Support: Comment utiliser l'app Crypto-Observer?


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The Principle of Crypto-Observer

Le système d'Intelligence Artificielle de Crypto-Observer analyse le marché de la crypto-monnaie et ses évolutions 24h/24 et fournit des informations concrètes sur ses opportunités et ses risques.

What makes this app unique

Market conditions are particularly important for cryptocurrencies. That is why the “Crypto-Observer” mobile application will give you a significant advantage. The app provides a highly visual and easy to interpret assessment of market conditions, including a cryptocurrency market score and prediction of where it will go. These indicators are the result of a comprehensive analysis of influencing factors, such as:

  • The state and reactions of the cryptocurrency community: social media indicators and market sentiment
  • Technical Indicators: Most heuristic or pattern-based signals used by traders who follow technical analysis to predict future price movements.

The Crypto-Observer app offers 3 complementary views of the market

|    Market Score    |    Market Index     |     Crypto Map    |

Access to each view is done by pressing one of the 3 buttons on the bar at the bottom of the screen.

Market Score

> A first panel (“Crypto Market score) provides you with a score measuring the “mood of the market”: in the form of a score ranging from very negative (strong bear) to very positive (strong bull), as well as its evolution in the last 24 hours

> The second panel (“Prediction”) provides the future evolution of the score at 5 hours: improvement (moving up), stability (stable), deterioration (moving down)

> Crypto-Observer’s models only provide a prediction when there is a high degree of confidence; so there are times when no prediction is made.

> At the bottom of the page, an “Analysis” paragraph provides you with a commentary on the behavior of the market.

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Market Index

> The “Price Index score” panel provides the evolution of an index of the crypto-currency market, and of the 2 leaders BTC and ETH:

  • The Index is based on the average of the price variations of the 200 crypto-currencies with the highest market shares
  • The scores (Index, BTC, ETH) are in percentage change per hour for the last 24 hours.

> Below this panel, there is more detailed information on the 2 leading cryptocurrencies and on the entire market:

  • Market Sentiment provides an estimate of the sentiment and behavior of the cryptocurrency community: Every day we analyze emotions and sentiments from different sources and aggregate them into a single number: the “Market Sentiment”. The behavior of the crypto market is very emotional. Players tend to get greedy when the market is rising, which translates to FOMO (Fear of missing out). Also, people often sell as an irrational reaction when prices turn red.
  • Price Behavior is a synthetic analysis of the behavior of crypto-currency prices on market places.
  • Technical Indicators resulting from the application of “Technical Analysis” to the cryptocurrency market. Technical analysis consists of the study of stock market price charts and various indicators in order to predict the evolution of the markets. The purpose of technical analysis is to predict trends and signs of trend reversals.

> At the bottom of the page, an “Analysis” paragraph provides you with a commentary on the price behavior.

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Crypto Map

> The Crypto map provides for the next 5 hours:

  • A prediction of the positive or dynamic momentum of the top 200 cryptocurrencies
  • An assessment of their potential trading risk

> The cryptocurrencies evaluated by Crypto-Observer as having the greatest potential in the next few hours are in green at the top of the Map.

> Those with the lowest risk of behavior change are displayed on the left and those with the highest risk on the right

> The crypto-currencies displayed in orange at the base of the Map are to be avoided.

> At the bottom of the page, a paragraph “Analysis” provides a comment.

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The technology that calculates Crypto-Observer combines :

> Une unique innovation :

  • allowing the prediction of future variations of crypto-currencies.

> A holistic analysis that detects and measures in real time the influence of multiple factors :

  • The Sentiment and Behavior of the Cryptocurrency Community
  • An in-depth analysis of the blockchain activity of each cryptocurrency
  • Economic and macro-financial indicators
  • The impulse and feedback from the cryptocurrency community
  • Technical Indicators
  • The Influence of Major Cryptocurrencies and Stock Indices
  • Seasonal Effects

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. L'investissement peut être rentable car vous pouvez réaliser un bon profit en n'engageant que de petites sommes.
. La volatilité des crypto-monnaies permet de prendre des pourcentages importants et assez rapidement.
. L'investissement est facilité par l'utilisation de logiciels d'analyse de marché - certains basés sur l'IA - comme la société Cresus Signals qui vous donne des zones d'achat et de vente.

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